10.38 S, 165.80 E
summit elevation 851 m
Tinakula website 23 years on the internet 2002-2025
Tinakula is the most active volcano in the Solomon Islands. It is located at the northern end of the New Hebrides Island arc, a chain of volcanic islands stretching between the Solomons and Vanuatu. Tinakula is one of the least known active volcanoes in the world. It's remote location in the eastern Solomons and the adventurous ocean crossing makes it infrequently visited.
Tinakula volcano eruption, Solomon Islands - John Seach
Tinakula volcano eruption 1989
Motorised canoe heading past Tinakula volcano 1988
Canoeing in the reef islands
John Seach scuba diving in Reef Islands, Temotu Province
Scuba diving in sight of Tinakula volcano 1989
John Seach Solomon Islands expedition
Temotu province, Solomon Islands
Reef Islands children 1995
Tinakula volcano stamp - John Seach collection
The southern side of Tinakula island is vegetated and coconut trees grow on cliff tops beyond the reach of the sea. Periodic eruptions from the volcano are visible from Reef islands and Santa Cruz. On the western side of the island there is a breach probably caused by a landslide. Flanking the breach are cliffs 100 m high.
2019 Activity
A hotspot was visible on satellite images on 9 November 2019, indicating activity at the Tinakula volcano.
2017 Eruption
An eruption was reported at Tinakula volcano between 21-26 October 2017. On 21 October an ash plume was report to an altitude of 4500 m. Ashfall occurred at Fenualoa Island, Reef Islands, 50 km ENE. A large S02 plume was visible on satellite images extending NE of the volcano across the Reef Islands. The eruption was estimated to have a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 3.
2013 Great Earthquake (Magnitude 8.0)
A shallow magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit 100 km SW of Tinakula volcano, Solomon Islands on 6th February 2013. The Great Earthquake was preceded cluster of earthquakes in the same area over the past week. A tsunami warning was issued for countries in the Pacific including the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Fiji. A tsunami watch was issued for Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. Earthquakes of this magnitude can disrupt nearby volcanoes. Tinakula is the nearest active volcano.
2013 Major Earthquake (magnitude 7.0)
A major earthquake (magnitude 7.0) occurred 9 km SSW of Tinakula volcano on 6th February 2013. The earthquake was shallow at a depth of 10 km. This is likely to have an effect on volcanic activity.
2013 Earthquake Cluster
A cluster of earthquake occurred 40 km southeast and 68 km SW of Tinakula volcano in the Solomon Islands beginning on 1st February 2013. In the first few hours 13 earthquakes were measured between magnitude 4.9 and 6.0. The earthquakes were shallow with focus between 10-46 km.
2012 Earthquake and Activity
A magnitude 6.6 earthquake hit 70 km SW of Tinakula volcano on 9th January 2012. Satellite images showed hotspots at the volcano on 13-14 February 2012, indicating activity. Satellite images showed hotspots at Tinakula volcano on 23 October 2012 indicating ongoing eruptions.
2018-2019, 2017, 2011-12, 2006-09, 2001-02, 1999, 1995, 1989-90, 1984-85, 1971, 1965-66, ?1955, 1951, 1909, 1886, 1871, 1869, 1857, 1865?, 1860?, 1855, ?1840, 1797, 1768, 1595.
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